Building an effective and resilient ecosystem of stakeholders to drive improvements in the...
Yokogawa and Rice WaTER Institute Partner on...
Yokogawa Corporation of America and the Water Technologies Entrepreneurship and Research (WaTER)...
PPG announces industrial coatings leadership...
Above: Xiaobing Nie, currently vice president, industrial coatings, China and global consumer...
South West Water leading the way to improve...
South West Water is helping to improve water quality in Combe Martin and reduce the use of storm...
UK firm exports its pioneering leak...
An advanced engineering company that develops pipeline robot technology for the utility sector is...
WaterSurplus Deploys Advanced Mobile Water...
WaterSurplus has successfully deployed an advanced mobile water treatment system to the University...
Water treatment comes naturally to Poole...
A new £2.2 million wetlands project near Poole is set to boost the drive towards using...
State of the art pumps installed at Loch Eck...
Work is under way to replace ageing dry well pumps at Scottish Water’s Loch Eck clean water...