RSE, the UK’s leading provider of modular and sustainable water treatment solutions, has...
Category - Water Treatment
Explore the latest insights and solutions in water treatment. From filtration technologies to sustainable practices, discover how water treatment systems improve water quality and ensure a healthier environment for all.
Yorkshire Water appoints partners to £850m...
Yorkshire Water has appointed seven contract partners to its new complex non-infrastructure works...
GF Piping Systems and Gradiant partner up to...
GF Piping Systems, a leading flow solutions provider, and Gradiant, a global leader in advanced...
VVater Secures Additional Multi-Million...
VVater, a next-generation water treatment company focused on delivering clean, sustainable water...
AqueoUS Vets® Awarded Contract for Woodbury...
AqueoUS Vets, a leading provider of innovative PFAS treatment solutions, has been awarded the...
GF Corys extends its facility in Dubai for...
GF Corys aims to supply the Middle East with piping solutions that safeguard water resources...
Yokogawa and Rice WaTER Institute Partner on...
Yokogawa Corporation of America and the Water Technologies Entrepreneurship and Research (WaTER)...
WaterSurplus Deploys Advanced Mobile Water...
WaterSurplus has successfully deployed an advanced mobile water treatment system to the University...
Witches Oak Water Treatment Works design...
MWH Treatment has completed the detailed design for Severn Trent Water’s state-of-the-art Witches...
Nutrient neutrality requires package...
With nutrient neutrality requirements being enforced at off-mains properties in areas of England...
Hawkins, Inc. Expands Water Treatment...
Hawkins, Inc. (Nasdaq: HWKN), a company that specialises in chemical and ingredients company, has...
Nipro Adopts Chemical-Free Cooling Tower...
Nipro, a global leader in the glass manufacturing industry, has successfully implemented a...
Successful pesticide amnesty helps protect...
Over 840 litres of harmful pesticides and chemicals from farms across Devon and Cornwall were...
Greg Newbloom of Membrion announced in the...
Greg Newbloom of Membrion is named as one of this year’s Meaningful Business 100 (MB100), the...
ISG Renewables signs 15-year PPA to provide...
Innova are delighted to announce the signing of a 15-year Corporate PPA between Anglian Water and...
CAW continues expansion in Ireland as...
Celtic Anglian Water (CAW), a leading provider of water, wastewater and resource recycling...
Costain and WSP to develop AI-powered data...
Costain, the infrastructure solutions company, in partnership with WSP, has been granted funding by...
Aquatech to deliver Comprehensive Water...
Aquatech has announced a groundbreaking project to deliver an end-to-end solution for all water...
AMWA honors sustaining members with 25 or...
The Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) is proud to recognize the exceptional...
Farrans Marks One Year on Uisce Éireann’s...
Civil engineering and building contractor Farrans Construction is marking its achievements one year...