Itron, Inc., which is innovating new ways for utilities and cities to manage energy and water...
Witches Oak Water Treatment Works design...
MWH Treatment has completed the detailed design for Severn Trent Water’s state-of-the-art...
Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change...
LIFE GREEN ADAPT is an EU-funded project funded under the LIFE programme (GA no. LIFE20...
Nutrient neutrality requires package...
With nutrient neutrality requirements being enforced at off-mains properties in areas of England...
Star-shape blade design ready to macerate...
Borger has launched a new cutting-basket macerator that helps protect wastewater/biogas pumps and...
Pioneering 3D printing project shares...
Leaders of a pioneering project to develop 3D printed infrastructure and components for the water...
Cleantech innovation brings safe drinking...
HPNow, a leader in Green Oxidation technology solutions, and MatiTech, a South African...
Hawkins, Inc. Expands Water Treatment...
Hawkins, Inc. (Nasdaq: HWKN), a company that specialises in chemical and ingredients company, has...