The Institute of Water has released a ‘Black Voices in the Water Industry’ video as a platform for black people in the water industry to share their experiences of racism.
The launch coincides with the publication of the first Institute of Water Diversity, Equality & Inclusion (DEI) Report.
The Institute of Water carried out its first DEI survey of members in 2015 and the results were used to underpin a DEI policy, aims and action plan for the next five years. In October 2020, a further survey was conducted using similar questions to those asked in 2015 and the key findings have now been published.
Amongst the headline findings are the great strides in members who identify themselves as female, with almost double the representation of the water industry (37.5% compared to 20%). Similarly, the survey identified a significant increase in the number of members who identify themselves as from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) background at 7% compared to 4.2% in 2015 and 4% of employees across the water industry. Along with these key findings, the DEI Report presents information on the Diversity and Inclusion Progression Framework and the Institute of Water’s 2020 DEI policy and aims.
Institute of Water Operations Scientist, Sarah Murray said: “There has been lots going on at the Institute of Water in terms of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) in the last year and it’s great to share some of the things we have been working on. We’ve had some excellent feedback from our 2020 Diversity Survey, and I would like to thank everyone who participated. This report shows some great progress since the last survey in 2015, especially in terms of the gender balance but it also highlights areas we still have to work on. This has helped shape the DEI action plan for 2021. The ‘Black Voices in the Water Industry’ webinars that the Welsh Area Committee hosted were very thought-provoking and I’m delighted we are now able to share the key messages more widely.”
In 2020 the Welsh Area of the Institute of Water hosted a series of ‘Black Voices in the Water Industry’ webinars. These webinars have been seen by over 600 members and non-members, hearing from an invited panel of speakers, and discussing their experiences both within the industry and the wider environment. The webinars prompted the Institute of Water to capture the highlights and key messages from these events in a shorter video to be shared more widely.
Please click here to watch the “Black Voices in the Water Industry” video.