Companies News

Have your say on how a water company plans to adapt to a changing climate

Have your say
Written by Abby Davey

A water company is calling on the public to help shape how it plans to adapt to a changing climate.

South East Water’s draft Climate Change Adaptation Report consultation is currently live and runs until 10 November.

Covering 12 key risk areas including changes to rainfall patterns and rising sea levels to leakage and the changing environment, the report sets out exactly how the company plans to modify its approach as the climate evolves.

South East Water’s Head of Environment, Emma Goddard said: “We’re very aware of how the weather and climate impact our business so it is vital to plan ahead and adapt to any change.

“Our report acts as an assessment of how climate change will affect us and the risks we need to take into account.

“It’s an extremely thorough report but we’re aware there may be some things we’ve missed so that’s why we’re calling on the public to have their say.”

The company’s draft Climate Change Adaptation Report has been shaped by external reports and research as well as its own Water Resources Management Plan, Dry Weather Plan, Carbon Net Zero Routemap and Business Plan.

Highlights include a pledge to invest in two new reservoirs, a reduction in leakage levels by 15 per cent and plans to trial nature-based solutions to protect the environment.

Emma continued: “The consultation will run until 10 November giving everyone plenty of time to read the report and share their thoughts on our plan.

“Your views are really important to us and any changes made to the report will be published in a document alongside our final report at the end of the year.”

To read the report and respond to the consultation, visit

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