Kuriverter® IK-110

Written by H2O Team
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Kuriverter® IK-110


Kurita’s patented Kuriverter IK-110 is a chemistry developed to maximize operational efficiency while maximining flow and permeate quality through reverse osmosis (RO) membrane systems as well as ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and microfiltration (MF). This proprietary biological control agent specifically targets biofilm, encouraging it to release from surfaces into the bulk water, where it can be flushed from the system.

The non-oxidizing characteristics of Kuriverter IK-110 penetrates the biofilm, creating an unfavorable environment and initiating a detachment of the biofilm from the membrane surface.

Kuriverter IK-110 applications are proven to decrease pressure drop across filters, increase normalized flow back to near new condition, stabilize salt rejection, and reduce energy and operational costs. Additionally, the need for conventional disinfection chemicals and system downtime through on-line membrane system cleanings are minimized.

As RO, UF, NF and MF systems become fouled, Kuriverter IK-110 is designed to separate this film from the membrane surface, lifting it into the bulk water where it can be flushed from the system in the reject. The resulting clean membrane requires measurably lower pressure, and therefore less energy.

For systems with biological fouling in their membranes, Kuriverter IK-110 will restore and maintain the permeate flow. In systems with the potential for biofouling, Kuriverter IK-110 can be fed to ensure that membranes remain clean, and that the normalized flow will stay at design levels.

Kuriverter IK-110 can minimize cost by extending the time between necessary cleanings, reducing the frequency of pre-filter cartridge replacement, and increasing the service life of the membrane modules.

Company Description: Kurita offers innovative water treatment solutions via technologies, engineering, and services. Our global, customer-focused teams get to the root cause of your facility’s most complex water challenges to deliver optimal results while conserving natural resources.

Contact Information

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Kurita America
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6600 94th Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN, USA 55445
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