Industry professionals will now have more peace of mind in the energy recovery device (ERD)...
Category - Latest News
Stay updated with the latest news and insights on water-related topics, including breakthroughs in water technology, environmental issues, and global water conservation efforts.
ClockSpring|NRI Announces New Name: Critica™...
ClockSpring|NRI, a portfolio company of Wind Point Partners (“Wind Point”), yesterday announced a...
Te-Tech install advanced oxidation...
Wastewater Treatment and Automation & Control System specialists, Te-Tech Process Solutions...
Power of nature drives water quality...
Newly-built wetlands next to Somerset’s Durleigh Reservoir are delivering significant biodiversity...
Fully-managed fixed network leakage service...
A new end-to-end leakage reduction service has been launched by Ovarro, as the water sector moves...
Optimising water data ahead of price review
Ofwat has published its PR24 final methodology and expectations around leakage and water...
Water trends that will reshape the industry...
2022 was another rollercoaster year for the water industry. As COVID-19 restrictions eased and life...
Pontoonworks is delivering more safe access...
Pontoonworks have just been hired by a seventh water company to assist in wastewater maintenance...
A Horizon Europe project revolutionising...
The EU has set ambitious reductions targets of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Meeting...
Flomatic® Launches The ‘Water Hub Knowledge...
Flomatic® Valves has announced the availability of a new self-service education initiative hosted...
Yorkshire Water to drive leakage and PCC...
Yorkshire Water has selected Netmore and Connexin to deliver an advanced metering framework to...
Enter the WaterVerse: EU collaboration to...
A new collaboration uniting 10 countries across the EU is helping to make data more interoperable...
Research signals new approach to asset...
A major collaborative study from UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR) into how the sector can create...
Aqueous Vets® Recognized by ASCE Los Angeles...
Aqueous Vets® (AV), the leading solutions provider for PFAS treatment in the western United States...
De Nora Joins Phase Four of Tubli Sewage...
De Nora, a global provider in sustainable water treatment solutions, will join phase four of the...
120Water™ Platform Selected to Manage...
Expanding its track record of providing data management and software solutions to statewide and...
Research builds knowledge on carbon and water
Sector-wide research is critical for navigating the myriad approaches that the water sector might...
Improving Qatar Football World Cup hydric...
A LEGO-like modular stadium, a ball with an IMU sensor to detect offside incidents, AI-based player...
Yorkshire Water CEO to address skills and...
Nicola Shaw CBE, chief executive of Yorkshire Water, is the keynote speaker at British Water’s...
Plasma Waters Partners with India’s Largest...
As the gap between the global food demand and supply grows incessantly, the need to find innovative...