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What Are the Hidden Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydropower?

list the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower
Written by H2O Team

Hydropower has been used for energy production for thousands of years, from water wheels that helped to grind the wheat into flour to hydroelectric power plants. It was the first renewable energy source that was used to generate electricity. In 2022, hydropower was used for almost 6.2% of total US electricity generation and also 28.7% of all the renewable energy production in the United States.

But instead of all its importance and need, it’s working and demand is shrinking because the other renewable sources are becoming more popular such as solar and wind. So, where is the problem, is hydropower really the main green energy source or does it have serious drawbacks? In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower that many people don’t know and also understand its impact on the environment.

What is Hydropower?

Hydropower, also known as hydroelectric energy is a type of energy that is used to generate electricity with the water, that comes from rivers, dams, or oceans. The terms hydropower and hydroelectric power plants are almost the same but still the difference is that hydropower converts water into mechanical energy and hydroelectric power plants convert that mechanical energy into electricity. There are three different types of hydroelectric plants; diversion, impoundment, and pumped storage, in which impoundment is the most popular one. Hydropower is used globally and China is one of the world’s largest hydroelectricity producers having Three Gorges Dam.

what is hydropower and where can we find it

What Are the Advantages of Hydropower?

1- Highly Efficient and Long Lifespan

One of the biggest advantages of hydropower is that it doesn’t lose energy in conversion, unlike solar. They convert all 90% of energy into electricity and when we compare it with solar they are only 15-20% efficient. Also, the lifespan of hydropower is the best thing about it lasts for more than 50 years, while other plants only last for about 30 years. When any power plant has high efficiency that means it will use less energy while generating more electricity.

2- A Good Energy Source

Hydropower uses the best storage facility that stores the excess electricity when the demand is low and releases it when the demand is high. In 2022, it generates 15% of all the electricity in the world. Most of the countries use hydropower and maintain their energy sources. 

3- Helpful for Agriculture

Hydropower plants don’t just generate electricity; they also help with irrigation and water supply for crops. They are used especially in areas where there is a shortage of rain and droughts are common, so their reservoirs are used for providing fresh and clean water.

4- Clean and Renewable

The electricity that is produced through water does not release any pollutants in the air or water, unlike fossil fuels which are the main cause of climate change. Also, the hydroelectric plants don’t use water while operating and that means it is 100% renewable.

5- Economic Growth and Flood Control

The construction of hydropower plants is very huge and it creates a lot of jobs in rural areas where people are needy. It also improves the infrastructure of roads and bridges and the local economy. Also, the US is investing in hydropower infrastructure by upgrading their old plants. According to the US Department of  Energy, by 2030 the hydropower workforce will grow to 120,000. Hydropower plants also help control flooding by managing the river flow, which is especially important in areas where the possibility of flood is high.

What Are the Disadvantages of Hydropower?

1- Environmental Impact of Hydropower

The environmental impact is one the the biggest disadvantages of hydropower. It changes the natural ecosystems and affects aquatic life such as changing the water temperature, blocking fish migration and reducing the oxygen level in rivers. Because it is a huge project, it also requires large space and that can cause ecological damage. In China, the building of the Three Gorge Dam hydroelectric project displaced almost 1.3 million people.

2- Expensive and Long term Project

While hydropower plants are long-term projects, their initial investment is also huge, and building a dam means you should have billions of dollars and years of planning. In 1943, the Grand Coulee Dam in the U.S. cost over $163 billion to build. The countries that have low budgets should not think of building a dam.

3- Effect on Local Hydrology

Hydropower is a reliable source of energy and is also controlled by weather conditions. Most of the hydropower energy depends on the river water, and this means that conditions like drought and shortage of rain, can impact the production of electricity and cause damage to the hydroelectricity.

list the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydropower


Hydropower is a great and powerful energy source, but it has also some pros and cons. While it provides clean and renewable energy and helps in irrigation and economic growth, it also displaces people and has a bad environmental impact. So, it has very good benefits but we also can’t ignore its disadvantages. After understanding these pros and cons of hydropower, you can choose whether you can develop it or not.


1- Is Solar Energy Cleaner than Hydropower?

Yes, solar energy is generally cleaner than hydropower because it doesn’t disturb the ecosystems. However, solar panels require mining for materials, while hydropower works on natural water flow.

2- Does Solar Energy Produce More Energy than Hydropower?

No, hydropower currently generates more energy than solar on a global scale due to its great reliability. However, solar energy is growing very fast and may cross hydropower in the future as the technology improves.

3- What are the Environmental Impacts of Hydropower?

Hydropower can affect the aquatic ecosystems, and displace communities. It also alters river flow, which affects fish migration and water quality.

4- What is the Difference Between Hydroelectric Energy and other Energy Sources?

Hydroelectric energy uses water flow to generate electricity and makes it renewable. Unlike solar and wind, which depend on the weather, hydropower can produce energy 24/7 but requires large amounts of water sources.