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Vital support for grassroots projects

Wessex Water
Written by H2O Team

The Wessex Water Foundation Community Fund has awarded grants totalling £167,000 to groups across the company’s region.

With a particular focus on smaller groups working at grassroots level, the grants will fund activities that strengthen communities by addressing local needs and issues – as well as improving financial capability for customers.

Working in partnership with Community Foundations in Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset, Bath and Bristol, Wessex Water said there had been a notable increase in the number of applications to the Community Fund in all areas.

Now in its fourth year, the fund helps charities and community groups via decision-making panels across the region. Projects which have received support include:

  • Rock Community Centre: A £4,000 grant towards increased running costs at this well-used centre in Lawrence Weston, Bristol.
  • Housing Matters: £4,000 to a Bristol outreach project that prevents communities in areas of deprivation falling into crisis, homelessness and debt through early intervention.
  • Porlock Vale CIC: A grant of £1,500 towards the core costs of running a community hub for rurally isolated older people in Somerset.
  • Your IT Now: £3,150 towards the running costs of Game Changers, a social inclusion project in Somerset for adults with a learning disability or neurodiversity.
  • Westbury and Warminster Youth Club: The Wiltshire club received a £4,000 grant to help fund weekly sessions.
  • Wiltshire Search and Rescue: Received £2,000 to purchase a new rescue bike and equipment.
  • Dorset Blind Association: Awarded a £2,000 grant to support the delivery of in-depth advice and support on financial management, helping people manage their finances more effectively.
  • Island Youth and Community Centre: A £3,744 grant for a toilet to be renovated at the centre in Portland, Dorset.

Wessex Water

Kirsty Scarlett, Wessex Water’s Head of Community Engagement, said: “We are delighted to support such a wide range of groups across our region with this major funding award, all of whom are providing invaluable services and support to communities who need it the most.”

The Wessex Water Foundation will reopen its Environment Fund applications later this year. Visit