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Spiral Water Technologies Introduces New Product Model for High Solids Removal in Industries Requiring Sanitary Processes

Spiral Water Model 850SS Automatic Self cleaning Filter for Sanitary Applications
Written by Abby Davey

Spiral Water Technologies (SWT), a company that focuses on advanced high solids separation and concentration filters, has launched the Model 850SS Automatic Self-cleaning filter. The latest offering in the company’s portfolio of advanced filtration products and systems, the low maintenance Model 850SS (stainless steel) was specifically developed for food, beverage, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and other sanitary processes requiring high solids removal at micron levels from 15um to 1500um.

The filter’s 316 stainless steel housings are electropolished and have Tri-Clover® hygienic 3A finish fittings, which provides a safe and secure way to connect any food grade system. The filters can be used in cleaned-in-place (CIP) operations while its internal wiper/brush can be removed and cleaned-out-of-place (COP). This provides plant operators with a greater degree of quality assurance.

Applications for the SWT Model 850SS filters include:

  • High solids water recovery and reuse for industries such as agriculture, food and beverage. The Model 850SS features rugged, stainless steel construction that is ideal for handling challenging waters. This filter is often used in water reuse systems including those aimed at achieving Zero Liquid Discharge.
  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reduction in food processing wastewater such as that from vegetable processing, breweries, wineries, and juice production. The separated solids can be reclaimed, sold and reused as a valuable commodity for uses such as ingredients or flavoring stock in food products, or as feedstock in the ag-tech market.
  • Natural water filtration. The filters protect food washdown systems from higher solids and seasonal upsets.
  • Higher temperature applications than filters with PVC housings are designed to accommodate.

Spiral Water’s systems have achieved 61% TSS reduction and 48% BOD reduction in systems up to 10% by volume, thus reducing wastewater service fees. Spiral Water filters have reduced TSS and Inorganic Suspended Solids (ISS) from 8% to 1% by volume in filtering juices and other applications.

Many integrated systems use Spiral Water’s filters to enhance the effectiveness of other process components (including membranes, DAF, MBRs, and Oxygen Injection Systems) by reducing TSS. This feature sometimes allows engineers to reduce the size of other components in the system. When properly sized, Spiral Water Filters can operate at constant differential pressures (DP) of less than < 1psid. Unlike standard backwash filters, Spiral Water automatic self-cleaning filters operate effortlessly at system pressures as low as 10 psi with no pulsing.

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