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So The Big Question Is If You’ve Got A Business Can You Switch Your Water Supplier?

So The Big Question Is If You've Got A Business Can You Switch Your Water Supplier? from #TalkingWater on Vimeo.

So, The Big Question Is If You’ve Got A Business Can You Switch Your Water Supplier? Yes, you can!

Did you know that switching your water supplier can lead to substantial benefits for your business? Many non-domestic customers are not aware of this option, but partnering with experts in the water industry can make all the difference….

Did you also know is the ONLY Business Water Switching platform that will tender your water supply contract to the WHOLE market giving ALL the water retailers the opportunity to pitch for YOUR business in a bespoke competitive live bidding platform.

And did you know ALL customers that switch water supplier on the platform receive a FREE Water Audit Report which will identify refunds and savings due to historical billing errors-you may be due a HUGE refund!

There is NOTHING like it in the Water Retail Market today

*We operate and are governed by the water regulators OFWAT voluntary codes of conduct protecting the interests of customers, water retailers and the wider market our code of conduct is your quality assurance