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EverBlue Ventures Raises Awareness of Global Water Peace on World Water Day

World Water Day
Written by H2O Team

March 22nd is World Water Day, a day dedicated to reflecting on water and its vital role in all life. This year’s theme of World Water Day is ‘Water for Peace’.

In the next 5-10 years, major cities around the globe will run out of water and by the time people realize and address it, it will be too late. Mexico City has been in the headlines lately with its devastating water crisis.

EverBlue Venture Fund invests in innovative solutions for preserving and reducing water use in all areas of water. Our team recognizes that all of the water required to grow food, produce electricity, power our data centers and compute AI solutions around the planet comes from one unified source. There is no separation of our water. We value the interconnections of water and are committed to uniting all businesses to solve our global water challenges.

“This World Water Day, I invite everyone to take a moment to think about where their water comes from and how precious it is,” emphasizes Stuart Rudick, founder of Ever Blue Venture Fund. “Water is what connects all of us around the globe. Water makes the world go round. It’s time for us to unite in preserving our precious water and create water peace, not water war.”

On Tuesday, March 26, EverBlue Ventures is hosting its monthly Oceanside Chat virtual meeting, dedicated to World Water Day. Dr. Rajendra Singh will be the guest speaker of honor. Dr. Singh stands as a seminal figure in global water conservation, symbolizing hope, resilience, and sustainable economic and social progress amid India’s pressing challenges of water scarcity. The invitation is open, all are welcome and registration is required via this link.

To learn more about EverBlue Venture Fund, visit