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Energy Recovery Launches Online Tool to Help Customers Optimize RO Systems

“Power Model Pro” software aids professionals in design, optimization, and product selection, resulting in better performance and energy savings

Energy Recovery
Written by hello

Industry professionals will now have more peace of mind in the energy recovery device (ERD) purchasing process, thanks to the launch of a new web design tool from Energy Recovery, Inc., Power Model Pro. This all-new tool aids in the design and optimization of reverse osmosis systems, ensuring that customers get the right equipment for their operation. Users can login and enter a short list of information, including flow rate, pressure, temperature, and water source, and the software will suggest the Energy Recovery products and configuration that best fits that application

“This new software offering does much more than help you select the optimal equipment for your application,” said Rodney Clemente, Senior Vice President, Water, of Energy Recovery. “It’s a design tool that allows our customers to maximize the hydraulic pumping system over a wide range of RO operating conditions. And in addition to the ultimate goal of energy and cost savings, we’re striving for an excellent experience for our customers from beginning to end.”

In addition to suggesting the appropriate product, the software will show a display of how the ERD will fit into the equipment configuration and projected performance metrics, as well as estimated energy and cost savings. This software supports the company’s effort of providing high-performance, sustainable products for the desalination industry. In their recent ESG report, Energy Recovery reported nearly $4 billion saved in energy costs and 14.5 million metric tons of emissions avoided for its customers in 2021.

For more information on the new Power Model Pro software, reach out to or visit them online at, and to learn more about Energy Recovery, visit

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