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Electrolytes in Water: Are They Really Worth It?

Drinking Electrolytes water
Written by H2O Team

Most of the people say that if you are sick and feel dehydrated, then electrolyte drinks can help. From sportsmen to diet-conscious people, everyone prefers electrolytes in water, but the question is do you really need electrolytes in your water, or is plain water enough?

No doubt that electrolytes are good for health, but some companies use only trace amounts of it in water. So, it confuses people and makes them think that is drinking electrolytes water worth it. That’s why, in this article, we will guide you through the benefits of electrolytes in water and whether adding electrolytes to your water is necessary or just regular water is enough.

What are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are basically minerals that help to maintain important body functions like muscle contractions, heart functions, hydration, and nerve signaling. The main electrolytes include Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphate, and Bicarbonates. These minerals are responsible for different functions in the body.

What is Electrolyte Water

Electrolytes in Water

Our body loses these electrolytes through sweat, urine, and exercise that’s why athletes prefer water with electrolytes because they experience a lot of sweating and exercise. However, their normal levels are not only important for athletes; it’s for everyone, and if you don’t maintain their levels, then you could feel fatigued, dizzy, or may experience muscle cramps.

Interestingly, hydration can come from various sources whether it’s plain water, sparkling water, or drinks specifically formulated with electrolytes. The key is balancing your hydration choices based on your activity levels and personal needs.

Benefits of Electrolytes in Water

Electrolytes play a crucial role in maintaining hydration, muscle function, and overall well-being. Here are some key electrolytes benefits you should know:

Improve Hydration

Electrolytes help your body to absorb water more easily. It keeps your body hydrated for more time than regular water. This is mostly beneficial for athletes, people who exercise and sweat a lot, or those who are living in very hot areas. So, electrolyte drinks are more considered instead of regular water. Additionally, water that tastes sweet due to its mineral content can also impact hydration and energy levels.

Improve Workout Performance

If you are doing a lot of exercise daily, your body loses sodium and potassium through sweat. Drinking electrolyte water helps you to maintain these mineral levels and, reduces the chance of muscle cramps and fatigue, and makes you feel fresh.

Recover From Illness

Severe diarrhea and vomiting cause loss of minerals very fast, which is very dangerous. So, doctors recommend drinking electrolytes in water to boost up your energy. But remember that it is not recommended as a treatment, it’s just for instant energy gain. If you have severe diarrhea, then you should consult your doctor.

However, it’s important to remember that deionized water may not be the best choice for rehydration, as it lacks essential minerals that help with hydration and recovery.

Improve Heart and Muscle Health

Potassium, Magnesium, and Sodium minerals are very important in terms of muscles, heart, and brain functions. If your body has low levels of these, then you may experience muscle cramps and irregular heartbeats.

Improve Energy and Mental Focus

Dehydration is as much dangerous as it can cause brain fog, fatigue, and dizziness. Since electrolytes help to improve nerve function, so staying hydrated with electrolyte water can keep your mind sharp and energy levels stable.

How to Add Electrolytes to Water Naturally?

If you want to enjoy the benefits of electrolytes without buying commercially made drinks, then you can follow these instructions to make it in your home:

Take one glass of cold water and add a pinch of Himalayan salt to it because it contains potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Then add one lemon juice and ¼ glass of coconut water to boost up the energy. You can also add fresh vegetables like cucumbers to feel fresh. This homemade electrolyte drink is best for your health instead of store-bought drinks.

drinking Electrolytes in water

Add Electrolytes to Water


Drinking electrolyte water can have lots of benefits, especially for those who sweat a lot, work out regularly, or need rehydration due to illness. However, if you’re generally healthy and stay hydrated with a balanced diet, then the regular water is enough for you. The point is to feel your body, consult to doctor if anything serious feels, and hydrate according to your body’s needs.


1- Can I drink electrolyte water every day?

Yes, but if you’re not losing significant amounts of electrolytes through sweat or illness, it is not recommended to drink it daily.

2- Do electrolyte drinks have side effects?

Some commercial electrolyte drinks contain extra sugars and artificial ingredients, so consuming too much sodium or potassium can also cause health problems.

3- What are the best natural sources of electrolytes?

There are a lot of natural sources of electrolytes, but you can choose according to your choice. It includes fruits like bananas, oranges, coconut water, leafy greens, and nuts.

4- What are the symptoms of low electrolytes?

Symptoms differ according to the person’s health, but some common symptoms are fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness, headaches, irregular heartbeat, and nausea.