
Written by H2O Team



Kurita’s Simul-Wash backwash system provides optimal cleaning of media filters while minimizing water waste. Central to the process is the trough design, which prevents media loss during combined air/water backwash without restricting flow, allowing for sustained cleaning durations to realize the greatest value. This technology can be integrated into any Kurita media filtration application for your benefit to save water and extend filter media life.

Combined air/water backwash provides the best media cleaning compared to conventional methods. As verified through independent study, backwashing with low water flow rates simultaneously with air produces a collapse-pulse action within the filter media that aggressively scours the media particles while releasing filtered solids. This occurs throughout the entire media bed, eliminating dead zones and preventing solids build-up to ensure the best cleaning and longest media life.

The aggressive collapse-pulse action occurs while using water rates significantly lower than necessary for conventional backwash methods, which require media fluidization. Backwashing with water alone at these low rates would be ineffective; however, the simultaneous addition of air forms pockets between the media particles, which immediately collapse under the weight of the filter media, causing a unique scouring action. This provides thorough media cleaning while using only a fraction of the water necessary for a conventional backwash. The ability to sustain this process, without media loss, reduces waste by more than 50% as compared to conventional methods at similar durations.

Simul-Wash can be integrated into any Kurita media filter application, whether a horizontal pressure filter, steel gravity filter, or field-constructed concrete system, regardless of media type. The low-profile trough design is favorable for retrofits of existing media filters, and we can work with you to engineer a custom configuration for your specific application.

The Simul-Wash process has been implemented widely across North America for over 40 years, with hundreds of installations in operation. Our customers are saving millions of gallons of water, while postponing costly media replacement maintenance events.

Company Description: Kurita offers innovative water treatment solutions via technologies, engineering, and services. Our global, customer-focused teams get to the root cause of your facility’s most complex water challenges to deliver optimal results while conserving natural resources.

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Kurita America
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6600 94th Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN, USA 55445
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