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Collaboration extends data analytics tool to energy sector

data analytics
Written by H2O Team

Norwegian digital analytics company InfoTiles is extending its innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tool to the energy sector for the first time after successfully establishing the technology in water and wastewater management.

The collaboration with Norwegian energy company Lnett will develop a minimum viable product (MVP) by summer 2024. This involves developing an analytical tool to provide efficient and rapid decision-making support to develop Lnett’s power grids. The tool must function effectively while remaining open to further development and refinement in the future.

Lnett aims to develop a solution that can define, calculate, and analyse various grid alternatives using large amounts of data beyond the capabilities of manual methods. This includes analysing parameters such as electricity demand forecasts, investment costs, operational conditions, and geographical data.

Trond Winther, chief executive of Lnett said, “Emphasising the importance of collaboration and digitalisation in the energy sector is crucial as energy systems become increasingly complex, with decentralisation, electrification, and future flexibility markets shaping its trajectory.

“To connect more customers, better utilise existing power grids, and ensure a stable power supply in the future, we must increase collaboration and digitalisation in the industry. As one of exciting research and development projects, we have high expectations with InfoTiles.”

InfoTiles has already made significant progress in supporting data driven advancements in the water sector across Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and the UK. Leveraging AI, InfoTiles has streamlined water and wastewater network management processes to deliver data analysis in minutes, rather than months.

InfoTiles is well placed to take on challenges in the energy sector as water and energy are inextricably linked via the water-energy nexus. Energy use plays a vital role in water management, from the production and transportation of potable water to the collection and treatment of wastewater.

Conversely, all forms of energy production rely heavily on water use. Johnny Alexander, chief executive of InfoTiles said, “It means a lot to InfoTiles to have the opportunity to work with Lnett and to demonstrate how the InfoTiles technology can be applied to the energy sector and be a universally applicable solution to all utility related challenges.”

InfoTiles has been chosen as the collaborative partner through the StartOff project initiated by Lnett in December 2023. As a state-funded initiative, the collaboration has been allocated NOK600,000 (£45,000), for the project.

StartOff’s objective is to assist startups or companies in the early stages of product development to meet the evolving needs of the public sector and to offer guidance and project assistance throughout the process.

Sondre Lilledrange project manager at Lnett said, “Lnett requires an innovative solution that consolidates and analyses various types of data to make informed decisions when selecting options for the future development of the power grid.
“We are now building more power grids in the next 10-15 years than in the previous 100 years, therefore the choices made today are crucial for our customers.”