APCO Worldwide has launched a strategic partnership with Vector Center to help clients better anticipate, mitigate and communicate around environmental and water impacts.
Vector Center helps companies, institutions and governments navigate water and systemic risks through its Perception Reality Engine™, a suite of AI-based tools and processes that provide real-time, insights about water issues. Vector Center’s approach combines satellite data, social sentiment analysis, and on-the-ground investigative research to deliver focused intelligence, scenarios, contexts, and response strategies about the world’s water, food and energy supplies in a disruptive era.
APCO Worldwide founder Margery Kraus said: “Increasingly, our clients around the world are confronted by the impacts of our changing world on their supply chains, their employees and the communities they serve. Our strategic partnership with Carl and the team at Vector Center will enable us to better anticipate environmental risks, particularly around water issues, and in turn, better advise our clients as they grapple with its myriad impacts.”
The impact of water scarcity is felt around the world, across borders and throughout supply chains. As of 2020, about 2.1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water or reliable water service. Left unchecked, by 2040 water security will decline around the globe including areas not naturally water scarce, such as parts of Central Africa, East and Southeast Asia and Latin America. But the global economic risk today stretches beyond clean drinking water and sanitation, as businesses in so-called ‘Day Zero’ cities—including Mexico City, Jakarta, Bangalore, London, Cape Town, and Miami—face potential business continuity challenges and supply chain disruptions in the coming decades.
Vector Center founder and CEO Carl Ganter said: “APCO is once again at the forefront of the trends and issues shaping the business environment for its customers around the world. As water issues and climate change are intertwined and become increasingly disruptive to companies and governments, actionable business intelligence and strategic counsel will become ever more critical to success.”
The strategic partnership’s synergy of global resources and expertise will enable APCO and Vector Center to provide more holistic, better integrated, data-driven counsel to clients on environmental risk and water issues.
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