Watch AMS CEO Rick Bacon, Ph.D., and Senior Product Manager Vladimir Dozortsev, Ph.D., and their in...
The Invisible Water Short Film
This short film was launched on World Water Day (22 March 2021) and aimed to make us reflect...
Step change in real-time monitoring of...
The Proteus range of multiparameter sensors represents a step-change in real-time monitoring of...
SafeGuard™ H2O System Testing for NSF/ANSI...
The SafeGuard™ H2O system offers an economical, reliable remediation system proven to remove...
Rethinking Wastewater with Epic Cleantec
Born out of work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Reinvent the Toilet Challenge...
H2O Global News Exclusive Interview with AVT
Advanced Valve Technologies® (AVT) is part of ClockSpring|NRI, the high-performance critical...
Aqua Data Fluvia RC3 Flow Meter – As...
For over 30 years, Aqua Data has advanced the design and build of electromagnetic velocity...
Singapore pushes for water sustainability...
Singapore’s Public Utilities Board (PUB) has turned to ABB technology to keep on top of its...