Press Release Guidelines

User Guide: Publishing Press Releases on H2O Global News

Welcome to the H2O Global News platform! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to publish press releases effectively, ensuring they meet our quality standards and reach the widest possible audience. Follow these instructions to get started.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparing Your Press Release
    1. Crafting a Newsworthy Article
    2. Ensuring Non-Sales Content
    3. Image Requirements
    4. Image Quality Guidelines
    5. No Logo Policy
    6. Submitting Your Press Release
    7. Post-Submission Process
    8. Tips for Success
    9. Contact Support

    1. Introduction

    H2O Global News is dedicated to sharing impactful and relevant news within the water industry. To maintain our high standards, we require all press releases to be newsworthy and non-sales-oriented. Additionally, images must be supplied without logos.

    2. Preparing Your Press Release

    2.1 Crafting a Newsworthy Article

    • Focus on News: Ensure your press release covers significant developments, events, or changes within your organisation or the industry.
    • Objective and Informative: Write in a clear, objective manner. Avoid promotional language or sales pitches.
    • Engaging Headline: Create a compelling headline that summarises the key point of your press release.
    • Structure: Use the inverted pyramid structure—start with the most important information and follow with supporting details.

    2.2 Ensuring Non-Sales Content

    • Avoid Promotional Language: Statements like “best”, “leading”, or “top” should be avoided unless supported by verifiable facts.
    • Focus on Facts: Present verifiable data, quotes from industry experts, and objective statements.
    • Audience Value: Consider what value the information provides to the reader. Is it informative, educational, or newsworthy?

    3. Image Requirements

    3.1 Image Quality Guidelines

    • High Resolution: Images should be high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi) to ensure clarity and professionalism.
    • Relevance: Select images that are directly relevant to the content of your press release.
    • Format: Acceptable formats include JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.
    • License: You must have the right to use images and supply proof if asked.,

    3.2 No Logo Policy

    • No Logos in Images: Ensure that no logos, watermarks, or branded elements are present in the images. This helps maintain the editorial integrity of the publication.

    4. Submitting Your Press Release

    1. Submit Content: Submit your press release using our form.
    2. Attach Images: Use the provided image upload tool to attach your images.
    3. Review Submission: Double-check your text and images to ensure they meet all guidelines.
    4. Submit: Click the “Submit” button to send your press release for review.

    5. Post-Submission Process

    Once your press release is submitted, it will go through our editorial review process:

    • Editorial Review: Our editors will review your submission to ensure it adheres to our guidelines.
    • Feedback: If any changes are necessary, you will be notified via email with specific feedback.
    • Publication: Once approved, your press release will be published on the H2O Global News website and distributed to our network.

    6. Tips for Success

    • Stay Relevant: Focus on current and relevant topics within the water industry.
    • Be Concise: Keep your press release concise and to the point.
    • Proofread: Make sure to proofread your content for grammar and spelling errors.
    • Follow Up: Monitor the performance of your press release and be ready to engage with any follow-up questions or comments from readers.

    7. Contact Support

    If you encounter any issues or have questions about the submission process, our support team is here to help:

    • Email:
    • Support Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm (GMT)

    We look forward to helping you share your news with the world! Thank you for choosing H2O Global News.